Original Author: Brian F, December 13, 2021
What is R-Shiny?
Shiny is a powerful and flexible R package that makes it easy to build interactive web applications and dynamic dashboards straight from R. These apps can be hosted on a standalone webpage or embedded in R Markdown documents. Not only does shiny allow you to build these web apps from R, but it enables their construction using only R code. Knowledge of HTML and web development is not required at all, though it can be used to enhance your apps in numerous ways. Instructors can utilize shiny in a number of innovative and useful way
Development R-Shiny host for YES3 project
The YES3 R-Shiny host address is: https://YES3.redcap.yale.edu.
This server is setup in a development configuration and allows each user to serve R-Shiny project files over https from a sub-directory named ShinyApps in their home folder. [ eg. /home/blf9/ShinyApps/...]